Hope for Daadli: Part II

We first wrote about Daadli several weeks ago. We’re excited to report that her severe cleft palette has been corrected as of this past Thursday, June 28th. Here she is today!

Much thanks and gratitude to Cross Point Community Church, Operation Smile, Moise and the G.O. Team for helping to make this happen!

The Rogers family will be meeting Daadli fact-to-face in just a few weeks. Looking forward to introducing our daughters to this little lady at the nutrition center in Brisas!

Grace & Peace,

The Rogers

Pray for Our Drilling in Phaeton, Day II (Drill Trouble)

This is the rig we are using in Phaeton, Haiti. As of 4:12pm EST the rig is down. Our drilling team is currently trying to repair it. Yesterday, June 2nd, they were able to drill 60 feet into the ground. Today has been slow going and we think we've only gained another 10 feet. The capacity of this unit is 150 feet. Pray the rig gets repaired and that they can stay at it until water is struck. Pray that there is water to strike!

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This is Phaeton in the map above.

Pray this prayer with us based on Isaiah 35:5:

"Lord, we beg of you, let the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Cause the lame to leap like deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Make water gush forth in the wilderness and create streams in the desert. By your will cause the burning sand to become a pool, the thirsty ground to become bubbling springs. We pray that your grace embrace the people of Phaeton and that by your mercy you would renew their land. We ask all of this for your glory. Amen."

Pray for our Drilling in Phaeton

I spoke to my dear friend and colleague (pictured with me above in Phaeton), Tim Krauss, today, June 1st while he was at the Dominican/Haitian border waiting to enter Haiti. After completing the temporary church/dormitory facility in Phaeton, Haiti, we’re ready to move forward with phase I of the water project i.e. finding some.

Over the next 3 days we will be drilling in an effort to hit deep, fresh water in Phaeton. The current wells in this coastal town are salty and unusable for drinking. The nearest fresh water is 2 kilometers away.

PLEASE PRAY that we hit fresh water. A fresh water well in this community would be a tremendous accomplishment and benefit to the 2500 plus people that live here!
We’ve introduced you to Phaeton, before. Take another look.

G.O.'s Partnership wit the Church in Phaeton, Haiti from Jeff Rogers on Vimeo.
