The G.O. Leadership Team has just finished with our planning retreat for 2010. We spent 3 days at Quills Coffee House in downtown Louisville and 4 days in a cabin in Southern Indiana working, planning and praying through what the next year of ministry will look like!
It’s an awesome privilege to work with these four people. Brook’s work and vision for G.O. created an amazing opportunity for Vicki and I nine years ago. Brook’s faithfulness to God’s leading made space for us to discover the width and depth of God’s Kingdom locally and globally. That global discovery has forever changed us. It changes how we understand life and ministry. It has completely reshaped how we understand the application of the Gospel in word and deed.
Nine years ago, again, because of Brook’s faithfulness to God’s leading, we got to meet and start working alongside of Tim Krauss and John Martinez, similarly, space was made for them to discover God’s passion for the people of the entire world. Sharing in that discovery and the work that has come from it has been one of the greatest blessings of mine and Vicki’s life. It is truly an honor and a joy to work alongside of them.
And now, together we make up the Leadership Team of G.O. Ministries. This places us in a position of great responsibility for the care of the ministry and the Staff. There are those who have had space made for them (and others who are coming) to make similar discoveries to our own and we now still have much to discover together as God reveals what he has for the future growth of G.O. Ministries.
I am small for the task and humbled by the reality that there is much expected of me and of us. Please commit to praying for the five of us (Brook, John, Tim, Vicki and Jeff) regularly, that our leadership be characterized by service to one another, love, grace and accountability and that God would grant us wisdom as we move forward over the coming year. Your prayers and your Partnership make you apart of this work too!