Batey 9 is a sugar cane cutting community in the southwest portion of the Dominican Republic. It’s a place where the poverty is not circumstantial. It is the fruit of intentional exploitation based on racism, nationalism and classism. While sugar comes to us inexpensively and is available for free at coffee shops and restaurants it is provided at a high cost, severe exploitation with poor housing and no healthcare. These communities are hungry and many children die from and suffer the negative effects of malnutrition.
So as many of us celebrate Thanksgiving today, It’s good to know that some of these kids in Batey 9 are getting a meal today too, modest, though it may be. Praying today that we will allow our
gratitude to compel us to do justice, have mercy and compassion, moving us towards sincere, creative and radical generosity towards others who suffer needlessly.
Batey 9 Nutrition Center from Jeff Rogers on Vimeo.