Crosspoint Church is an awesome story to tell. It's one that's deeply connected with Morgantown and our marriage. When we were in college it was Pete Wilson who discipled Jeff and he and his wife Brandi who were instrumental in getting us together. Pete planted Morgantown with Harold Mckee who later came down on an exploratory trip with us and lead Morgantown to get invested in our work. What we have is an elaborate web of shared and meaningful relationships. It's truly amazing to sit back and see how God has drawn the threads of our lives together for the sake of his Kingdom in such a variety of ways. And the relationships that we share continue to lead to new, amazing relationships.
Crosspoint came down to continue their work on a Haitian church they are building for Moise, a Haitian pastor that they partner with. The team leaders for the summer trip were Blake and Ally Bergstrom. It was truly an honor to get to know this couple and introduce them to our ministry.

Blake was new to G.O. and new to Moise. We had lots of great conversations as we got acquainted with each other and life and ministry in the Dominican Republic. It was great to see Blake connect with Moise and share in ministry in the community in which we are building the church. Dominicans are deeply suspicious and prejudiced against Haitians (this is putting it mildly). We were able to help support Moise's work and build credibility for his ministry as we explored the neighborhood with him and invited Dominicans to up coming ministry events later in the week. It's foolish and fallen that the presence of Americans would cast Moise in a better light than if he did this by himself. Even so, it is an honor to be at Moise's service for the sake of his ministry.
Moise feels that God has laid it on his heart to use this church building as a hub for raising up Haitian church planters. His desire is to help plant over 100 churches in Haiti from leadership developed in this church over the years to come, an endeavor worthy of a lifetime of effort. We're fortunate and blessed to be a part of it!